Communication Congress / National Conference
Presentation of a communication in oral or poster format at a National Congress/Day (Spanish territory). It can be in the annual Doctoral Conferences organized by EIDUCAM, provided that the student attends them. Doctoral students may participate in this activity from the moment they are admitted to the program. It is estimated that the preparation of the communication and the attendance to the conference will take approximately 5 days of work for the student.
Communication International Congress
Giving an oral or poster presentation at an international convention. The PhD student will study the offer of International Conventions of interest for his/her area of knowledge and, after obtaining the approval of his/her supervisor, will register for the International Convention. The convention organisers will be informed according to the rules and deadlines established by the Scientific Committee. PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme.
Elaboration of Scientific Article or Patent
Publication of a scientific article in a prestigious international journal (indexed in JCR and with impact index). Each doctoral student, guided by his/her director, will select the journal/s to which to send the results obtained, at the time deemed appropriate. Doctoral students may participate in this activity from their admission to the program with a dedication of 160 hours over 4 years for full-time students and 7 years for part-time students.
National / International Stay
Research stay at an institution other than UCAM (university, research centre, or company), which may be national or foreign, and is different from the student's place of work. Doctoral students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme. The duration of the stay must be at least 3 months (480 hours) over 4 years for full-time students or 7 years for part-time students. The doctoral student, together with his/her supervisor, will assess the suitability of this type of stay.
Presentation Research Results to the Academic Committee of the Programme
Presentation of own research results and planning of research activities for the following year, before the Academic Committee of the Program. A Presentation of Results activity will be carried out each year of permanence in the program, following the attached model, which must be signed by the director(s). It shall be submitted between June 15 and July 15 of the corresponding academic year.
Research Seminars
Participation in research seminars organized by the different research groups, in which the latest advances in the different lines related to the program are discussed. Doctoral students will be able to participate in this activity from their admission to the program with a dedication of 21 hours over 4 years for full-time students and 7 years for part-time students. The estimated time for each seminar will be 3 hours/seminar, so the doctoral student must participate in at least 7 seminars during his/her years in the doctoral program.
Workshop for the Elaboration of the Research Plan and Training Plan
Workshop for the Elaboration of the Research Plan and Training Plan of the PhD student so that it can be evaluated by the Academic Committee and subsequently registered at the Doctoral School. Doctoral students, regardless of their dedication to the programme, must necessarily complete this activity during the first 6 months of being on the programme. Students will dedicate 25 hours to this activity.
Workshop on Doctoral Thesis Preparation
Participation in a workshop on the writing and defence of a PhD thesis. PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme. The estimated time commitment of the student will be 5 hours over 4 years for full-time students and 7 years for part-time students.